Key Benefits of converting HEIC image to JPEG image

The HEIC is a high-efficiency image format, popularly known as a high-efficiency image coding. It is a file format for individual images and image sequences. It has a very good used in image technology. it can easily store about double the data of a single JPG image.  HEIC supports the animation and also shows double the data of normal animated images GIF in very small breadth.

The JPG is the joint photographic expert group. it is one of the common image file format used in digital cameras because it supports more than 16 million colours. It has a very good quality that even a small size image files converted to jpg which gives us an amazing clarity. Here in this article we are going to discuss how to convert a HEIC image to jpg easily in Android devices if you take an awesome pic in iOS 13 device as a HEIC image and if you share it back into your Android device it will be refused by your device.

Key Benefits of converting HEIC image to JPEG image

The reason is very simple that Android lacks the decoder to decode this HEIC images. The HEIC is a very high quality picture which is only available in iOS 13 and the upgraded devices of Apple. HEIC compresses the image to smaller data and when we open it again it comes to its original size, but it can’t be done in the Android mobile.

The best ways to convert the HEIC to JPG are mainly


it is a simple way that you can choose some of the web-based converters for this. It is simple step by step uploading the image to site and convert to jpg without any hassle. But in such cases we should check that the website is authentic and not charge any payment. it is because there are numerous websites who gives free service. Thus it can be easily converted the HEIC image to jpg. Steps are-

  • Visit the website which can convert the HEIC image to jpg image, and check out the uploading limit.
  • Next go to the upload option, tap it open the folder to select image to be converted.
  • Give the option of JPG to get converted, wait for conversion time.
  • Within few seconds it will get converted and download easily.



before uploading the image you have to check the terms and conditions of the sites that does this image will be keep in online as an advertisement for the site and also we have to check the FAQ’S as a part of trustworthy.

By downloading third party application

There are numerous third party applications for conversion of HEIC image to jpg image, they are mainly;


This is one of the best application for the conversion. It is free of cost and the processing is very simple. Snapseed is basically a image editing application. in this there are numerous platforms and ways to edit an image. So we have to upload the image to the Snapseed and just do some editing process in that. After the editing process we can download the image and it will be automatically downloaded as JPG file.


it was one of the world famous application couple of years before. Still it is used by millions. in Prisma they are numerous platforms and editing options to edit image. Thus, again upload the image, make some change in the editing option and save it. obviously the image will be saved as JPG file. The only demerit of this application is that it is a paid application. Amount $18 per year is the annual subscription charge.


This is again one of the best used application for the conversion purpose. This is also basically an editing application. Upload the image and do some editing purpose, thus we can download as a JPG image.



Bottom Line –

The HEIC is one of the best image format. It gives us a very high quality picture. But still the Android devices can’t decord this images. Thus, we have to convert it all this images to jpg. JPG is also a good quality image format which is used by almost all the digital image devices. Here we study about the numerous online and offline third party applications. Using these ways we can easily convert any HEIC image to a JPG image.

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