The Mind Blowing Facts About Gmail Mute, Snooze and Archives

Gmail is the world famous email service. It is developed by Google and it is one of day to day using service. It has a very good storage capacity compared with other type of messaging services. In this each mail ID user will get about 15 gigabytes storage, where as we can receive up to 50 MB files at a time and send up to 25 MB ( more than 25 we can send through Google drives). The features of the Gmail is uncountable because the corporate world can’t live a day without this. Here in this article we are going to focus on some of this Google features like Gmail mute, snooze and achieve.

Long back it was a surprise if we get a mail, but nowadays it’s a burden of getting more mails. The most of the mails which comes to our mailbox will be always spam. In that itself the useful mail for us will be a couple or more. Thus, we have to do something interesting to stop this nuisance. The new Gmail features help us to do this easily. Gmail helps us to change from regular user to a powerful user. Thus we can check out the criteria’s and differences between Gmail achieve, mute and snooze.

Gmail Archive

Achieve is a place where we can store emails that you want to keep but not in the regular inbox. It makes your inbox a tidy one. It is like keeping the mails to a new segment rather than the recycle bin. The achieved mails can be seen in ALL MAILS or if we have given as separate label we can see it in that. When you achieve an email, Gmail automatically removes it from the inbox and keep it hidden in this labels but does not delete it.

Ways to Archive

  • In case of website you can click on archive button on the top bar, it is like and bold arrow downwards.
  • In mobiles It is seen just above the mail only.

[When we achieve the mail, it will soon get disappeared from the inbox and will be seen under the label of ALL MAILS. If we have given a new label we can find it there.]


Go  to the ALL MAILS labels and locate the archived mails. Open it, about that you can see a symbol of the bold darken inverted Arrow sign. Click it the mail will be Unarchieved.

Gmail Mute

It is one of the common option which we see in almost all the social media platforms. It hides us from knowing the message which comes to us without informing the sender. The main aim of Newton is to avoid notification, replies and conversation which we don’t want anymore. Muting is better option than blocking because it cause misunderstanding with each other.

How to Mute

  • In mobile take Gmail, select the email that you want to mute. Onabove that you can see 3 dots from there click mute.
  • Exactly the same thing is done in the website also.

{ The muted thread will be seen in the ALL MAILS only. No separate section is seen for this, means they will be disappeared from the inbox but will be seen in the ALL MAILS. }

Unmute – it is done by go to the ALL MAILS, click the mail by searching “is:muted” and click unmute.

Gmail Snooze

It is the latest feature of Gmail service. It helps to snooze and remember about the mail  like a reminder which we used before. When we snooze and email, Gmail helps us to be check it later in a day. That means Gmail will pop up later when you want it as a fresh mail. Thus we can give a reply easily without forgetting. Due to our busy life we always use this feature to snooze the mails which we wanted.

How to snooze

  • In mobile take Gmail, select the email that you want to snooze. On above that you can see 3 dots from there click snooze.
  • Exactly the same thing is done in the website also.

{ The snoozed files can be seen in a separate label of snoozed files. This can be seen in the menu itself. Luckily Gmail has given a separate label for snoozed files, so we can easily find it. }

UnSnooze – go to the snooze file in the menu, take the  mailand UnSnoozethe email we want.

Bottom Line

The three features of the Gmail we discussed above isthe most important features which helps us in day to day life.The muting helps us to avoid unwanted messages, Snooze helps us to remind the wanted messages and Archive helps us to clean the inbox. Using all this features will help us much more.

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